September 2018
Research Bulletin
Peace without Women Does Not Go!
Authority in International Law
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Wickham Steed, Greatest Journalist of His Times
Changing How Literacy Is Taught
Assembling Exclusive Expertise
Retour sur L’illusion identitaire
Environmental Protection and World Trade
Is Global Capacity to Manage Outbreaks Improving?
Organisation of the Anthropocene
Foreign Currency Bank Funding and Global Factors
Human Rights in Armed Conflict
turkey-afghan-CRSS-ASC 2
La planète des Afghans


“Peace without Women Does Not Go!” Women’s Struggle for Inclusion in Colombia’s Peace Process with the FARC

PhD Candidate Felipe Jaramillo Ruiz and Lina Céspedes-Báez analyse the tactics deployed by Colombian women’s rights NGOs and advocacy groups to challenge masculinism in the Colombian peace negotiations held in Havana (in Colombia Internacional, April  2018). Access ❯


Sexual Violence against Men in Global Politics

Sexual violence against men is widespread in conflict and post-conflict zones, yet efforts to understand its causes and reduce it have been hampered by a dearth of theoretical engagement. This book co-edited by Elisabeth Prügl and Paula Drumond tackles this gap by combining theorisation of sexual violence with empirical data (Routledge, June 2018). Read more ❯


Gender Training: A Transformative Tool for Gender Equality

In the first academic publication specifically dedicated to gender training, Lucy Ferguson, Research Associate at the Gender Centre, takes the topic beyond its often technocratic form towards pragmatic solutions to the prevailing challenges and tensions of the field (Palgrave Macmillan).
More information ❯


Born in the USA: Citizenship Acquisition and Transnational Mothering in Turkey

Özlem Altan-Olcay, research fellow at the Gender Centre, investigates the practice of giving birth in the US for the purpose of obtaining US citizenship for newborn children among mothers from upper- and upper-middle-class families in Turkey (with Evren Balta, in Ethnic and Racial Studies, 2016). Interview ❯


Feminist International Relations: Some Research Agendas for a World in Transition

As they identify these research agendas, Elisabeth Prügl and J. Ann Tickner affirm the continued importance of a critical stance and of asking feminist questions (in European Journal of Politics and Gender, July 2018). Access ❯


Revalorization of Social Reproduction through Social and Solidarity Economy Practice

Published in the frame of the Gender Center research Project Feminist Analysis of Social and Solidarity Economy Practices: Views from Latin America and India. Access ❯


Solidarity Practices and the Formation of Political Subjects and Actions for Change

Published in the frame of the Gender Center research Project Feminist Analysis of Social and Solidarity Economy Practices: Views from Latin America and India. Access ❯


Making Public Policies for SSE Sustainable, Feminist-Conscious and Transformative: Exploring the Challenges

Published in the frame of the Gender Center research Project Feminist Analysis of Social and Solidarity Economy Practices: Views from Latin America and India. Access ❯



Saying Credibly What the Law Is: On Marks of Authority in International Law

Fuad Zarbiyev argues that the concept of authority is particularly well-suited to account for the normative effects of statements of international law by various international actors (in Journal of International Dispute Settlement, May 2018). Article ❯


In The SAGE Handbook of the History, Philosophy and Sociology of International Relations (eds. A. Gofas, I. Hamati-Ataya and N. Onuf, SAGE, August 2018):

Counter-Mapping the Discipline: The Archipelago of Western International Relations Teaching

Publishing in flagship journals continues to serve as the most popular indicator of IR’s trajectory and configuration in the emergent literature. Jonas Hagmann and Thomas Biersteker challenge this focus. Publisher ❯


In The SAGE Handbook of the History, Philosophy and Sociology of International Relations (eds. A. Gofas, I. Hamati-Ataya and N. Onuf, SAGE, August 2018):

International Relations Expertise at the Interstices of Fields and Assemblages

Anna Leander argues that conventional expertise is profoundly challenged by transgressive expert practices and that because of the uncertainty regarding expertise, conventional conceptions of expertise are likely to remain with us.
Publisher ❯


The Eurasian Economic Union’s Multiple Integration Logics

Regional economic integration in the post-Soviet space stands in a complex relation with the EU’s integration process. PhD Candidate in IR/PS Uli Staeger and alumnus Cristian Bobocea (MA 2017) show through the Eurasian Economic Union how bureaucracies mobilise their technocratic authority in a process of mimesis that reconciles multiple internal and external integration logics (in The International Spectator, July  2018).
Article ❯


Ordre juridique et désordre international

Parmi ses nombreux écrits, le professeur honoraire Pierre-Marie Dupuy a rassemblé ici une quinzaine d’articles traitant de l’ordre juridique international et qui, espère-t-il, «ont un peu mieux résisté à la marche inexorable du temps» (Pedone, mai 2018). Éditeur ❯


Too Many Butterflies? The Micro-Drivers of the International Investment Law System

Jorge Viñuales argues that the legal analysis of international investment law and arbitration should focus not on treaties, rules or cases, but on certain conceptual positions on specific questions that act as “micro-drivers” of the dynamics of the entire system (in Journal of International Dispute Settlement, July 2018). Article ❯


Stabilizer, Servant and Seductress: Economic Nationalism and the Use of Law

PhD Candidate Lys Kulamadayil explores the nuanced use of international law by the World Bank in its 2017 World Development Report (paper for the ESIL 2018 Research Forum, Jerusalem, published in the SSRN Working Paper Series, September 2018). Paper ❯

Democracy and Civil Society
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Wickham Steed, Greatest Journalist of His Times

Through this first biography of Wickham Steed, Andre Liebich provides fresh insights into both British domestic politics and the international diplomacy during the earlier half of the twentieth century (Peter Lang, July 2018). Interview ❯


Illiberal Democracy: The Return of the Authoritarian Spectre

In this paper for the Fondation Pierre du Bois, Dominic Eggel, research advisor at the Institute, addresses the paradox of democratic success and liberal decline and reflects on the likely persistence of illiberal democracy as a model of governance (Current Affairs in Perspective no. 6, July 2018). Paper ❯


Do Democracies Become Garrison States? Cross-national Trends

In 1941, Harold Lasswell argued that structural tendencies led “specialists on violence” to become the most powerful group in society. In this paper for the EPSA annual conference (June 2018), David Sylvan, Ashley Thornton, Juliette Ganne and Laura Schenker reports findings of a research project on garrison state trends, which suggest that Lasswell was indeed correctAvailable from ❯

Development Policies and Practices


Changing How Literacy Is Taught: Evidence on Synthetic Phonics

Martina Viarengo, Stephen Machin and Sandra McNally evaluate the pilot and first phase of a national change in policy and practice in England that refocused the teaching of reading around “synthetic phonics” (in American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, May 2018). Article ❯


Le monde rural

Émancipé de ses alliés et ennemis d’hier, le Viêt Nam poursuit sa recherche de l’équilibre entre la Chine et l’Occident pour mieux préserver ses intérêts nationaux. Dans Histoire du Viêt Nam de la colonisation à nos jours (dir. B. de Tréglodé, Sorbonne, mars 2018), Christophe Gironde renouvelle notre regard sur le monde rural vietnamien.  Éditeur ❯

Conflict, Dispute Settlement and Peacebuilding


Assembling Exclusive Expertise: Knowledge, Ignorance and Conflict Resolution in the Global South

This book edited by Anna Leander and Ole Waever (Routledge) follow the experts, institutions, databases and creative expressions that are assembled into conflict resolution expertise in the Global South. Interview with A. Leander ❯


Arms Control and Disarmament

Keith Krause provides a comprehensive account and review of the ways in which the UN has contributed to global disarmament since its establishment (in The Oxford Handbook on the United Nations, July 2018). Interview ❯


Capital Markets of the World

Until September 2018 Professor Schiltz was a lecturer in International History and the digital curator of “Capital Markets of the World”, a database of a large financial history archive hosted at the Library. He is now working for the Modern Japanese Studies Program at Hokkaido University, Japan. Read more on his past and ongoing research ❯

conference paper

Urban Topography and Mass Protest

In this paper for the 2018 EPSA Conference, Ravinder Bhavnani, Leonardo Arriola, Karsten Donnay and Nils Lewis explore how the spatial configuration of cities shapes protest dynamics and outcomes across a sample of cases whilst also accounting within-case variation, i.e. different events occurring in the same spaces, or different spaces experience similar events within the same city.

Conference paper

Modeling the Subnational Risk of Acute Malnutrition in Conflict-Affected Settings

In this paper for the 2018 EPSA Conference, Ravinder Bhavnani, David Backer and Karsten Donnay present initial results of empirical analyses focusing on two test cases: Nigeria and Somalia. They design a computational model to assess the reliability of potential leading indicators, including patterns of conflict activity, in predicting trajectories of susceptibility to acute malnutrition at different levels of spatial and temporal granularity, as well as to evaluate select pathways of influence.


Wartime and Post-war Economies (Japan)

In sharp contrast to the pre-WWI deficit years, Japan saw its external trade expand rapidly. Michael Schiltz describes how the country’s establishment reacted to this shift. In addition to lending to several allies, it also engaged in the politically risky strategy of extending loans to China. Access ❯


Art as Expertise? Creative Expression in the Syrian Conflict Resolution

In Assembling Exclusive Expertise: Knowledge, Ignorance and Conflict Resolution in the Global South (edited by A. Leander and O. Waever, Routledge, July 2018), Anna Leander and D. della Ratta argue that art/creative expression, as a specific form of knowledge relevant to conflict resolution, is “world-making” rather than simply “world-mirroring”. Publisher ❯ 

Bodies Count: The Politics of Assembling War and Violent Death Data Expertise

In Assembling Exclusive Expertise: Knowledge, Ignorance and Conflict Resolution in the Global South, Keith Krause highlights the ways in which conflict expertise, and in particular body counts, are assembled and deployed as social facts that are used to shape and influence policies and practices associated with armed conflict and its public representation.
Publisher ❯

SanctionsApp as Expertise (and Exclusionary Ignorance) in a Global Policy Setting

In Assembling Exclusive Expertise: Knowledge, Ignorance and Conflict Resolution in the Global South, Thomas Biersteker reflects on the embodiment of a specific form of expertise (and its exclusionary ignorance) in an App about zhe purpose, effectiveness and consequences of UN targeted sanctions.
Publisher ❯

Culture, Identity and Religion


Retour sur L’illusion identitaire

Dans cette préface inédite rédigée pour la nouvelle édition de L’illusion identitaire, Jean-François Bayart revient sur les différentes lectures de son ouvrage et la place qu’il occupe dans son cheminement intellectuel (Fayard, mai 2018). Editeur ❯

Trade and Economic Integration


Environmental Protection, Differentiated Responsibility and World Trade: Making Room for Climate Action

Urs Luterbacher (Professor Emeritus at CIES and CFD), Carla Norrlof (CCDP Research Associate) and Jorge Viñuales analyse the possible contradictions between the climate change and trade regimes (in Global Climate Policy: Actors, Concepts, and Enduring Challenges, ed. Urs Luterbacher and Detlef F. Sprinz, MIT Press, August  2018).
Publisher ❯


Busier Than Ever? A Data-Driven Assessment and Forecast of the WTO's Caseload

Conventional wisdom has it that the legalised mechanism of dispute settlement before the WTO has recently been “busier than ever”. Joost Pauwelyn and Weiwei Zhang use count data to assess the WTO’s current caseload and examines how it has evolved since the WTO’s creation in 1995 (CTEI Working Paper no. 2, April 2018). Access ❯


The International Economic Law Clinic at the Graduate Institute in Geneva

Joost Pauwelyn and Mattia Salamanca Orrego trace the evolution and progress of the Geveva clinic in their contribution to Reinventing Legal Education: How Clinical Education Is Reforming the Teaching and Practice of Law in Europe (Cambridge University Press, May 2018). Publisher ❯

Global Health


Is Global Capacity to Manage Outbreaks Improving? An Analysis

In a January 2017 article in the British Medical Journal, J. Leigh, Suerie Moon, E. Garcia and G. Fitzgerald had examined major reports published in the aftermath of the 2013–2016 Ebola epidemic and identified areas of consensus, progress made, and gaps. In this Global Health Centre WP (no. 17, 2018), they assess the state of affairs as of mid-2018 and highlights remaining gaps. Access ❯


Health and Infectious Disease

Gian Luca Burci has contributed to the second edition of The Oxford Handbook on the United Nations (eds. T.G. Weiss and S. Daws, OUP, July 2018) of this major reference work on the key international organisation. Publisher ❯

Environment and Natural Resource


The Organisation of the Anthropocene: In Our Hands?

Jorge Viñuales explores the legal dimensions of the new geological epoch called the Anthropocene, in which humans are the defining force (Brill, July 2018). Have we reasons for cautious optimism?
Interview ❯


Global Climate Policy: Actors, Concepts, and Enduring Challenges

Professor Emeritus Urs Luterbacher (CIES and CFD) and Carla Norrlof (CCDP Research Associate) have edited this collection of analyses of the international climate change regime, which consider the challenges of maintaining current structures and the possibilities for creating new forms of international cooperation (MIT Press, August 2018). Publisher ❯


Macroeconomic Impact of Stranded Fossil Fuel Assets

Climate change is not a prisoner’s dilemma, as shown by Jorge E. Viñuales et al. in Nature Climate Change (June 2018). Using a non-normative integrated assessment model of the world economy, technology diffusion and the global climate system, they find that demand for fossil fuels is going to decline by 2035, even if no new climate policies are adopted to meet the targets of the Paris Agreement.
Access ❯


Environmental Impact Assessment for Climate Change Policy with the Simulation-Based Integrated Assessment Model E3ME-FTT-GENIE1

Jorge Viñuales et al. introduce a fully descriptive, simulation-based integrated assessment model designed specifically to assess policies and use this combined model to create a detailed global and sectoral policy map and scenario that sets the economy on a pathway that achieves the goals of the Paris Agreement with 66% probability of not exceeding 2 °C of global warming (in Energy Strategy Reviews, vol. 20, April 2018). Access ❯


The Comparative Politics of Transnational Climate Governance

Liliana Andonova, Thomas Hale and Charles Roger have edited and introduced this exploration of how domestic political, economic and social forces systematically shape patterns of non-state actor participation in transnational climate initiatives (Routledge, May 2018).
Publisher ❯

Finance and Development


Foreign Currency Bank Funding and Global Factors

Cédric Tille and Signe Krogstrup’s paper for the Swiss National Bank’s Research Conference 2017 is now also available as an International Economics Department Working Paper (09-2018). Access ❯


La tragédie de la croissance

Comment sortir de l'impasse d'une croissance infinie sur une planète finie? En restaurant la notion de biens communs, en réhabilitant la réciprocité, en en finissant avec l’endettement, en renouant le dialogue avec la nature, selon le professeur honoraire Gilbert Rist dans son ouvrage paru en mai aux Presses de Science-Po. Interview ❯


Saving by Default: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Rural India

Access to banks is rapidly increasing worldwide, and allows account-based instead of cash transfers. Vincent Somville and Lore Vandewalle conduct a randomised experiment documenting the impact of the payment method on savings behavior (in The American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, July 2018; previously published as International Economics Department Working Paper 02-2016). Access ❯


Can Countries Rely on Foreign Saving for Investment and Economic Development?

Eduardo Cavallo, Barry Eichengreen and Ugo Panizza show that financing growth and investment out of foreign savings, while not impossible, is risky and too often counterproductive (in Review of World Economics, May 2018). Access ❯


Penser la dimension de commun de la monnaie à partir de l’exemple des monnaies complémentaires locales

Jean Michel Servet et Sophie Swaton (in Revue Interventions économiques, janvier 2018) montrent que l'application des communs au-delà du champ de l'environnement permet sa redécouverte et son application, y compris au champ monétaire. Journal ❯


Does Public Debt Crowd Out Corporate Investment? International Evidence

Using data for advanced and emerging economies, Yi Huang, Ugo Panizza and Richard Varghese show that there is a negative correlation between public debt and corporate investment. (In International Economics Department Working Paper 08-2018). Interview with Prof. Panizza ❯


Trade Linkages and Firm Value: Evidence from the 2018 US-China “Trade War”

In March 2018 Donald Trump proposed to impose tariffs on up to USD 50 billion of Chinese imports, leading to a significant concern over the “Trade War” between the US and China. Yi Huang, C. Lin, S. Liu and H. Tang evaluate the market responses to this event for firms (In International Economics Department Working Paper 11-2018). Access ❯


The Bank Lending Channel: A Time-Varying Approach

Using a cross-country panel of 925 banks from 19 advanced economies for the period 1981–2016, Richard Varghese finds that the sensitivity of lending to bank balance sheet liquidity declines over time, with nearly all the reduction occurring between the early 1990s and the early 2000s (in International Economics Department Working Paper 10-2018). Access ❯

Human Rights and Humanitarian Law and Action


Human Rights in Armed Conflict: Metaphors, Maxims, and the Move to Interoperability

Andrew Clapham analyses in great detail the language used to describe the relationship between human rights law and law of armed conflict and suggests that, rather than looking for an overarching theory, the time has come to focus on particular contexts and consider the policy choices available and what is at stake (in Human Rights and International Legal Discourse, July 2018). Access ❯ 


Guarantees of Non-Repetition for Violation of Human Rights

In her PhD thesis, Nita Shala studies the impact of human rights law on the notion of guarantees of non-repetition and demonstrates a developing and diverging approach regarding guarantees of non-repetition in international human rights law compared to the law on state responsibility in response to internationally wrongful acts, where the origin of this obligation lies. Interview ❯

Migration and Refugees
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Homo itinerans: la planète des Afghans

Adoptant la mobilité comme clé de lecture privilégiée, Alessandro Monsutti offre une ethnographie globale de l’Afghanistan ouvrant une perspective décentrée sur le monde contemporain (PUF, septembre 2018). Interview ❯


Michael Goebel: from Latin American History to Urban Ethnic Studies

Newly arrived at the International History Department, Professor Goebel talks about his research interests, the publications that have inspired him, and his motivation for joining the Institute.
Interview ❯


Stateless, Floating People: The Rohingya at Sea

PhD Candidate in ANSO Sucharita Sengupta has contributed to The Rohingya in South Asia: People without a State (Routledge, 2018), analysing what is it in the sea that allures, and why is journey in boats most dreaded yet acceptable. Publisher ❯


Understanding Immigration Attitudes among Immigrants: A Survey Experiment on Political and Economic Drivers

Melanie Kolbe has presented this paper to the EPSA annual conference in June 2018. A copy available upon request  to author ❯




Simulation and ABM in Foreign Policy

David Sylvan and Ravi Bhavnani review the two main streams of simulation work in FPA: human-based and computer-based, and conclude with a speculative discussion of what happened to simulation in FPA and what the future may hold (in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Foreign Policy Analysis, ed. Cameron Thies, vol. 2, OUP, April 2018). Publisher ❯

Lectures and Seminars

 Thursday 20 September
 12:15 - 13:30
 Petal 1, room 847

The Thaw in the Pole: Cold War Science and Showcasing at the Siberian Science-city and Antarctic Expeditions (1955–1964)

CIES Lunch seminar with Ksenia Tatarchenko, Lecturer at the Institute of Global Studies, University of Geneva.

 Thursday 27 September
 16:15 - 18:00
 Petal 2, room S1


With Ferdinand Vieider, Professor in Economics, University of Reading.

 Thursday 27 September, 12:00 - Friday 28 September, 17:45
 Petal 5, Conference Centre

Coping with Spillovers from Policy Normalization in Advanced Economies

6th Annual Conference of the BCC jointly organised with the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).
More information ❯
Register by email ❯

 Monday 1 October
 12:30 - 14:00
 Petal 2, Room S7

Becoming Humanitarian: The Making of an ICRC Delegate

Global Governance Colloquium Series with Monique Beerli, SNSF Postdoctoral Fellow and Research Associate at the Centre de relations internationales (CERI). Register here ❯

 Tuesday 2 October
 9:00 - 19:15
 Auditorium A1B

Women Constructing Peace in Colombia: Dialogues of Knowledge, Gender and Local Practices in the Post-Agreements

Organised by the Gender Centre. Register here ❯

 Tuesday 2 October
 12:15 - 13:30
 Petal 2, room S1

Resistance and Regime Reverberations

Dep. of International Relations/Political Science Colloquium with Loriana Crasnic, University of Zurich.

 Wednesday 3 October, 08:30 - Thursday 4 October 2018, 18:30
 Auditorium Ivan Pictet

Environmental History as if the Future Mattered: Writing the History and the Future of the Anthropocene

Pierre du Bois Annual Conference. Register here ❯

 Wednesday 3 October
 18:00 - 19:30
 Auditorium Ivan Pictet

Transforming the Future: Anticipation in the 21st Century

Keynote Lecture of the Pierre du Bois Annual Conference with Riel Miller, UNESCO. Register here ❯

 Mardi 4 octobre
 12:30 - 13:45
 Pétale 2, salle S4

La peur comme moteur d’action? Esquisse d’une réflexion sur les effets de la peur sur le mouvement féministe québécois

Gender Seminar du Centre genre avec Mélissa Blais, Université de Genève et Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Canada. Plus d’informations ❯

 Thursday 4 October
 16:15 - 18:00
 Petal 2, S1


With Ben Groom, Associate Professor in Environment and Development Economics, London School of Economics.

 Friday 5 October
 10:00 - 16:00
 Meeting Centre, Room C1

Trump's Attack on the Trade Regime: A Search for Solutions

CTEI event in partnership with the Cato Institute's Herbert A. Stiefel Centre for Trade Policy Studies. Register here ❯

 Saturday 6 October
 Petal 2, Room S3

Democracy, Indigenous Rights and Ethno-Racial Mobilisation: Latin America in Comparative Perspective

Workshop organised by the Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy during the Geneva Democracy Week, with Ruth Betsaida Itamari Choque, Member of the Bolivian Parliament (tbc), Ethel Branch, Attorney General of the Navajo Nation, and Nancy Postero, Professor of Anthropology and Co-director, International Institute, UC San Diego. More information ❯
Register by email ❯

 Monday 8 October
 18:30 - 20:00
 Auditorium Ivan Pictet

The Role of International Courts in Global Governance

Organised by the Institute and the Permanent Mission of the United States to the UN. With ICJ Judge Joan Donoghue, moderated by Marcelo Kohen. Register here ❯

 Thursday 11 October
 12:15 - 13:30
 Petal 1, Room 847

Land Grabs and Livelihood Sustainability in Cambodia

CIES Lunch Seminar with Christophe Gironde, Senior Lecturer in Development Studies. Lunch provided. Register by email ❯

 Thursday 11 October
 16:15 - 18:00
 Petal 2, Room S4

Growth, Entrepreneurship, and Risk-Tolerance: A Risk-Income Paradox

CIES ECON Seminar with Ferdinand Vieider, Professor in Economics, University of Reading.

 Monday 15 October
 12:13 - 14:00
 Petal 2, Room S8

Securing Cities, Re-defining Theories: The Politics of Control in the Moroccan City of Marrakech

Global Governance Colloquium Series with Jonas Hagmann, Research Associate, NSF Ambizione Fellow, Institute of Science, Technology and Policy (ISTP), ETH Zürich.

 Tuesday 16 October
 12:15 - 13:30
 Petal 2, Room S8

To Which Victor Go the Spoils: Explaining Which Factions Take Power after Regime Change

Dep. of International Relations/Political Science Colloquium with Peter Krause, Boston College.

 Tuesday 16 October
 18:30 - 20:00
 Auditorium Ivan Pictet

Does Totalitarianism Exist? The Czechoslovak Experience

Conference organised with the Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (IWM), with Muriel Blaive, EURIAS Senior Fellow at the IWM and based at the Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes in Prague. Register here ❯

 Thursday 18 October
 12:15 - 13:30
 Petal 1, Room 847

Water Gouvernance

CIES Lunch Seminar with Christian Bréthaut, Assistant Professor at the Institute for Environmental Sciences, University of Geneva. Lunch provided. Register by email ❯

 Thursday 18 October
 16:15 - 18:00
 Petal 2, Room S1

Oil and the Gender Wage Gap: Evidence from Norway

ECON Seminar with Chiara Ravetti, Visiting Fellow at the Department of Management Engineering of the Polytechnic of Torino, Italy.

 Mardi 23 octobre
 18:30 - 20:00
 Auditorium Ivan Pictet

Quand la religion entre en révolution

Conférence publique de la Chaire Yves Oltramare avec Marcel Gauchet, directeur d’études émérite de l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales et rédacteur en chef de la revue Le Débat depuis sa création en 1980. Inscription ❯

 Thursday 25 October
 16:15 - 18:00
 Petal 2, Room S1

Ebola and State Legitimacy

CIES ECON Seminar with Markus Ludwig, Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Bayreuth, Germany.

 Monday 29 October
 18:30 - 20:00
 Auditorium Ivan Pictet

Democracy and the Stranger: Does Global Integration Undermine Democracy?

An event organised by the Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy with Jeremy Adelman, Henry Charles Lea Professor of History and Director of the Global History Lab at Princeton University. Register here ❯

Upcoming Deadlines
SNIS 2018 International Geneva Award
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28 February 2019
Graduate Institute's publishing grants
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Gangs, Gangsters, and Ganglands: Towards a Comparative Global Ethnography

Newly appointed Professor Dennis Rodgers has been awarded a CHF 2.5 million ERC Advanced Grant. Starting in January 2019, his four-year project will compare gang dynamics in Nicaragua, South Africa, and France in order to better understand why gangs emerge, how they evolve over time, whether they are associated with particular urban configurations, how and why individuals join gangs, and what impact this has on their potential futures.

New Business Models for Governing Innovation and Global Access to Medicines

Suerie Moon and Ilona Kickbusch have won a CHF 1.3 million SNSF PRIMA grant. Starting in September, this five-year project aims to deepen understanding of the political, economic and organisational factors required to implement new business models of medicines R&D that will jointly achieve innovation and global access to medicines.

Business with the Devil? Assessing the Financial Dimension of Authoritarian Regimes in Latin America, 1973-1985,

Carlo Edoardo Altamura has been awarded an SNSF Ambizione grant (CHF 905,000) to carry out his project with Prof. Mohamedou from January 2019 to December 2022.

The Spatialization of Security in Humanitarian Action: Delineating Processes of Discourse and the Built Environment of Aid

Janine Elena Bressmer has won an SNSF Doc.CH (CHF 214,000) to work with Prof. Krause from September 2018 to August 2021.

The Charitable Clinic? An Ethnography of Private Hospital Care in South India

Andri Tschudi has been awarded an SNSF Doc.CH grant (CHF 131,000) to carry out his project with Prof. Bharadwaj from September 2018 to August 2020.

Armed Groups’ Institutionalisation in Civil Wars: The Case Study of Ahrar al-Sham in Syria

Jérôme Drevon has received an SNSF Advanced Postdoc.Mobility (CHF 123,000, July 2018–June 2019) to work with K. Krause on the construction and influence of armed groups’ institutional frameworks beyond the prevailing reliance on rational choice paradigms and sole focus on their ideologies.

African Futures: Digital Labor and Blockchain Technology

Filipe Calvão has won an SNSF grant starting next December to study the contemporary effects of digital transformations in Africa. This CHF 36,500 one-year project involves a multi-sited survey in six African countries on platform-based services and blockchain initiatives designed to enhance mineral traceability in order to assess emergent transformations in the world of labor.


The American Geographical Society awards its David Livingstone Centenary Medal to Susanna Hecht

This medal of honor recognises Prof. Hecht’s distinguished work “for scientific achievement in the field of geography of the Southern Hemisphere”

Le prix Latsis universitaire pour Emmanuel Dalle Mulle

Ce prix, décerné par l’Université de Genève, l’Université de Saint-Gall et les Ecoles polytechniques fédérales de Lausanne et de Zurich récompense les contributions scientifiques et technologiques importantes et prometteuses, effectuées en Suisse.

Alumna Alessandra la Vaccara awarded the René Cassin Thesis Prize in Strasbourg

THis prize rewards her for her thesis titled When the Conflict Ends, While Uncertainty Continues: Accounting for Missing Persons between War and Peace in International Law.

A Graduate Institute team has won first prize at the 2018 ELSA Moot Court Competition on WTO Law

Held in Geneva from 19 to 23 June. Team: Argyrios Papaefthymiou (MA in International Economics), Ioana-Virginia Motoc (MA in International Law), Sara Angeleska (MA in International Law) and Yannick Trudel (MA in International Affairs), coached by Panos Theodoropoulos (MIDS 2016–17) and Panagiotis Kyriakou (PhD in International Law). More ❯

Diego Silva (ANSO, 2017) awarded the Latin America Prize for Doctoral Theses at Swiss Universities

This prize of the University of St. Gall rewards Dr Silva, postdoctoral researcher at the Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy, for his thesis on the relationship between biosafety and the commodification of GM seeds in Colombia.
More information on his doctoral research ❯

2018 Ladislas Mysyrowicz Prize for Dmitriy Skugarevskiy

Dr Skugarevskiy is rewarded for his PhD thesis Essays in Law and Economics of Enforcement.

Arditi Prize 2018 in International Relations for Cecilia Truffer

The title of her Master’s dissertation is The Rohingyas beyond Domination and Resistance: A Case Study on Refugees' Innovative Strategies.

Institute’s Alumni Association Prize 2018 for Diego Silva

The title of his PhD thesis is Protecting the Vital: Analyzing the Relationship between Agricultural Biosafety and the Commodification of Genetically Modified Cotton Seeds in Colombia.

Mariano Garcia Rubio Prize 2018 for Serena Ariello

This prize rewards S. Ariello for her Master’s dissertation in International Law.

Pierre du Bois Prize for Caio Simoes de Araujo

This prize acknowledges his outstanding PhD thesis in contemporary history, titled Diplomacy of Blood and Fire: Portuguese Decolonization and the Race Question, ca. 1945–1968.

Ladislas Mysyrowicz Prize 2018 for Cecilia Truffer

This prize is awarded to a high-quality PhD thesis or  Master's dissertation on a refugee-related topic – this year, Cecilia Truffer's The Rohingyas beyond Domination and Resistance: A Case Study on Refugees' Innovative Strategies.

Rudi Dornbusch Prize 2018 for Carlos Galian Barrueco

This prize rewards him for his Master's dissertation in International Economics titled Targeting the Poor: Theory vs Reality.

Upcoming PhD Defences

 Thursday 20 September
 Room S9, Petal 2

The Fall of US-Romanian Relations at the Cold War's Close: Reagan, the Congressional Push for Human Rights Abroad and Moscow's Maverick

By Sielke Beata Kelner, International History. Jury: Davide Rodogno (President), Jussi Hanhimäki (Thesis Director), Svetozar Rajak, The London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK

 Thursday 20 September
 Room S9, Petal 2

The Myth of Legalism in U.S. Foreign Relations

By Andrei Mamolea, International History. Jury: Davide Rodogno (President), Jussi Hanhimäki (Thesis Director), Gerry Simpson, The London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.

 Monday 24 September
 Room S9, Petal 2

Three Essays in Development Economics

By Julia Barbara Seiermann, Development Economics. Jury: Lore Vandewalle (President), Jean-Louis Arcand (Thesis Director), Marcelo Olarreaga, Institute of Economics and Econometrics, University of Geneva.

 Tuesday 25 September
 Room S9, Petal 2

The Perilous Reconciliation Journey between the United States of America and Japan! The Role of Reconciliation in the Construction of Pluralistic Security Community among Former Enemy States

By Chanaka Jun Takazawa, International Relations/Political Science. Jury: Thomas Biersteker (President), Cédric Dupont (Thesis Director), Kazuyo Yamane, Institute of International Relations and Area Studies, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto.

 Mardi 25 septembre
 Salle S9, pétale 2

Investissements, conflits armés et troubles internes

Par Bienvenu Venceslas Ouedraogo, Droit international. Jury: Zachary Douglas (président), Vincent Chetail (directeur de thèse), Eric De Brabandere, Faculté de droit, Université de Leyde, Pays-Bas.

 Wednesday 26 September
 Room S9, Petal 2

Essays in Monetary and Financial Economics

By Carlotta Schuster, International Economics. Jury: Rui Esteves (President), Charles Wyplosz (Thesis Director), Marc Flandreau, Nathan Sussman, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

 Thursday 27 September 10:00
 Room S9, Petal 2

Foreign Armed Interventions in Internal Conflicts: A Human Rights Paradigm

By Chiara Redaelli, International Law. Jury: Andrea Bianchi (President), Andrew Clapham (Thesis Director), Anthony Cullen, School of Law, Middlesex University, London.

 Friday 28 September
 Room S9, Petal 2

Reorienting the Nation: Perspectives from Soviet Central Asia in the 1920s

By Vsevolod Kritskiy, International History. Jury: Davide Rodogno (President), Gopalan Balachandran (Thesis Codirector), Alessandro Monsutti (Thesis Codirector), Ali Igmen, Department of History, California State University, USA.

 Tuesday 2 October
 Room S9, Petal 2

For the Sake of an Ideal: Romanian Nation-Building and American Foreign Assistance (1917–1940)

By Doina Anca Cretu, International History. Jury: Amalia Ribi Forclaz (President), Davide Rodogno (Thesis Director), Katherine Lebow, Associate Professor, Faculty of History, Oxford University, UK.


April 2018 - March 2019

Coming from King's College London, Senior Lecturer Sridhar Venkatapuram is hosted at the Global Health Centre and works with Prof. Vinh-Kim Nguyen on “Global Health Justice”.

15 August 2018 - 15 February 2019

Coming from Qingdao University, China, Prof. QingPing Xu is hosted at the Centre for Finance and Development and works with Prof. Yi Huang on "A Study on the Path of Labor-Capital Cooperation with Chinese Characteristics".

23 August 2018 - 22 August 2019

Coming from the Supreme Court of Korea, Judge Seoyoung Park is hosted at the Department of International Law and works with Prof. Chetail on “State Responsibility for Transboundary Pollution and Climate Change in International Damage Litigation”.

September 2018 - February 2019

Coming from ENSP/FIOCRUZ, Luisa Chaves is hosted at the Global Health Centre and works with Prof. Kickbusch on “Shortage of Medicines in the Brazilian Market: Characterization and Strategies for Confronting the Issue and towards Guarantee of Access”.

October 2018 – April 2019

Nina Reiners, Postdoctoral Researcher and Lecturer from the University of Potsdam, will be hosted by Prof. Nico Krisch at the Global Governance Centre and work on “From International to Transnational Human Rights Lawmaking: The Development of the UN Human Rights Treaty Body System”.
