Research Bulletin
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Three Jewish Mothers Write to Their Sons from Thessaloniki Ghetto
gouvernance 45
Revisiting France’s Relationship with NATO
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Colloquium on Varieties of Democratic Experience
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Education Indicator Research from Jullien de Paris to the 2030 SDGs
Bhavnani_Micro-level Research on Peace and Conflict_452x45
Generalizing Findings from Micro-level Research on Peace and Conflict
Spyer_Screening the ummah_45x145
Screening the “Ummah” under Siege in Wartime Maluku
Alexander Swoboda, le bitcoin et un demi-siècle d’histoire financière
Rodogno_ Fellowship Programs_45x45
Fellowship Programs for Public Health Development: The Rockefeller Foundation, UNRRA, and the WHO
Flannery_Europe hybridisation_45
“Brain Drain” within the European Union from the Perspective of Investment in Education
Odious Debts: Lessons of the Hunger Bond Penalty
human 45
Strengthening Legal Principles concerning Universal and International Jurisdiction
migration 45
Migration and Borders of Citizenship
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“Do not Forget Me”:  Three Jewish Mothers Write to Their Sons from Thessaloniki Ghetto

This book (in Greek) by Visiting Fellow Leon Saltiel presents three collections of letters, sent by three Jewish mothers from the Thessaloniki ghetto to their sons in Athens, a few weeks or days before their departure to Auschwitz (Alexandria, 2018).
Publisher’s page ❯


Rethinking the Ontology of Peacebuilding: Gender, Spaces and the Limits of the Local Turn

Christelle Rigual, from the Gender Centre, analyses the question of the “local turn” to problematise its gender-blindness as well as its implicit reproduction of hierarchisation between the international and the local, and points to potential areas for synergies between different discursive formations of peacebuilding (in Peacebuilding, March 2018).
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Faire naître une nation moderne: genre, orientalisme, hétéronationalisme en Iran au 19e siècle

Lucia Direnberger, membre du Centre genre, analyse les politiques sexuelles élaborées par les orientalistes français et françaises et celles déployées par les nationalistes modernistes iraniens au 19e siècle (in Raisons politiques, vol. 69, no 1, 2018).
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Revisiting France’s Relationship with NATO (and the Common Wisdom on Gaullism)

Through an analysis of French governments’ policy preferences toward NATO, Stephanie Hofmann stresses that institutional transformation can be understood through the study of veto points in conjunction with national preference formation (in Journal of Strategic Studies, vol. 40, 2017).
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Non-Analytical Obstacles to Stateless Law

Thomas Schultz reviews legal scholars’ key prudential and moral reasons to oppose the view that law can exist without the state (King’s College London Dickson Poon School of Law Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2017-40, October 2017).
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UN Targeted Sanctions Datasets (1991–2013)

This article by Thomas Biersteker, Sue Eckert, Marcos Tourinho and Zuzana Hudáková (in Journal of Peace Research, March 2018) introduces the Targeted Sanctions Consortium (TSC) quantitative and qualitative datasets, which encompass all UN targeted sanctions imposed between 1991 and 2013, or 23 different country regimes broken into 63 case episodes for comparative analysis.
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Democracy and Civil Society
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Interdisciplinary PhD Colloquium on Varieties of Democratic Experience

Three PhD candidates, Elif Kayran (IRPS), Lys Kulamadayil (International Law) and Defne Gonenc (IRPS), presented their papers at this colloquium of the Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy.
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The Blurred Lines between Faith-Based and Secular Relief in the Middle East in the Aftermath of the Great War

Davide Rodogno’s contribution to  “Crises in the Middle East: Humanitarianism, Religion and Diplomacy, c. 1860 to 1970” (7–9 February 2018 in Mainz, Germany) shows the importance of investigating who was then called a “humanitarian” actor because of the multiple roles played by many men and women on the ground.
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The Third World Intellectual in Praxis: Confrontation, Participation, or Operation behind Enemy Lines?

Georges Abi-Saab considers the diverse roles that can be played by Third World international law intellectuals in trying to transform theory into social practice (in Third World Approaches to International Law: On Praxis and the Intellectual, Routledge, 2018).
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Comity and International Courts and Tribunals

What exactly is the place of comity in modern public international law adjudication? Thomas Schultz and Niccolò Ridi address this question in Cornell International Law Journal (vol. 50, Fall 2017).
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Development Policies and Practices
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Education Indicator Research from Jullien de Paris to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals

Manuel Cardoso and Gita Steiner-Khamsi examine indicator research over three periods and discuss shifts in policy usage over time (in Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, May 2017).
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The Rights to Food Sovereignty and to Free, Prior and Informed Consent

Christophe Golay, from the Geneva Academy, presents the protection of these rights at international, regional and national levels and defines the main elements of the rights that could be included in the UN Declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas.
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Understanding Business Interests in International Large-Scale Student Assessments: A Media Analysis of The Economist, Financial Times, and Wall Street Journal

Gita Steiner-Khamsi, Margaret Appleton and Shezleen Vellani find that the growing interest in international large-scale assessment is noticeable in all three English language media outlets (in Oxford Review of Education, March 2018).
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Conflict, Dispute Settlement and Peacebuilding


Generalizing Findings from Micro-level Research on Peace and Conflict

Karsten Donnay, Ravi Bhavnani and Andrew Linke review micro-level studies that are highly relevant not only for scholarly understanding, but also for the needs of real-world application among policymakers and practitioner (in Peace and Conflict 2017, Routledge, Nov. 2017).
Publisher’s page ❯


The Legality of the Use of Force in Armed Conflict and Occupation

Ka Lok Yip finds widespread conflation among different concepts of “legality”, serious abuse of “legal techniques” to reach politically convenient outcomes, and a fundamental disconnect between the dominant interpretation of the law and the reality of war that the law tries to regulate.
Interview ❯


Preventing Violence through Inclusion

Thania Paffenholz and al. analyse when, how, and under what conditions the inclusion of a broad range of actors in peace and political transition processes contributes to the prevention of violence and armed conflict.
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Culture, Identity and Religion
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Screening the Ummah under Siege in Wartime Maluku

What do post-war images or images of violence say to the world? What are they meant to convey? What is their aesthetics? Such are the issues that Patricia Spyer explores in this article (in Current Anthropology, 2017).
Interview ❯


Anthropological Perspectives on the Limits of the State

Andrew Brandel and Shalini Randeria delineate how anthropology nuances various conceptions of limits of state power, particularly those that structure the binaries of West and non-West, public and private, state and non-state, formal and informal, national and trans- or supranational (in The Oxford Handbook of Governance and Limited Statehood, March 2018).
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PhD thesis

The UN Interim Force in Lebanon: Peacekeeping or Pacification?

Susann Kassem describes a disjunction between UNIFIL policy and practice, largely resulting from a misguided conceptual framework that has limited operational effectiveness.
Interview ❯

Trade and Economic Integration


Alexandre Swoboda, le bitcoin et un demi-siècle d’histoire financière

Professeur honoraire et ancien directeur de l’Institut, Alexandre Swoboda évoque notamment ses travaux actuels et l’évolution de la recherche académique.
Entretien ❯


Who Decides Matters: The Legitimacy of WTO Adjudicators versus ICSID Arbitrators

Contribution by Joost Pauwelyn to Legitimacy and International Courts (Cambridge University Press, May 2018).
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Things Have Changed (or Have They?): Tariff Protection and Environmental Concerns in the WTO

Petros Mavroidis and Damien Neven find that the practical significance of the APEC agreement should not be overestimated as it involves modest tariff concessions over a subset of goods which are not heavily traded (International Economic Department Working Paper no. 4, 2018).
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Global Health
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Fellowship Programs for Public Health Development: The Rockefeller Foundation, UNRRA, and the WHO (1920s–1970s)

Yi-Tang Lin, Thomas David and Davide Rodogno have contributed to Global Exchanges: Scholarships and Transnational Circulations in the Modern World (Berghahn Books, October 2017).
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Global Health Leadership: Electing the WHO Director-General

Ilona Kickbusch and Austin Liu assess the extent to which WHO’s new process for appointing its Director-General supports the identification of leadership qualities of the candidates by discussing its openness, transparency, inclusiveness, fairness and legitimacy (Global Health Centre Working Paper 16, 2017).
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Environment and Natural Resource
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“Europe Is the Place Where Evolution Moves Fastest and Where Hybridisation Became Very Important”

Acclaimed Australian scientist Tim Flannery is Fondation Segré Distinguished Visiting Professor at the CIES. He speaks on the ecological history of Europe, the subject of his forthcoming book (Allen Lane, October 2018).
Interview ❯


The Expansion of Modern Agriculture and Global Biodiversity Decline: An Integrated Assessment

Bruno Lanz, Simon Dietz and Timothy Swanson consider the macro-economic consequences of the continued expansion of particular forms of intensive, modern agriculture (in Ecological Economics, February 2018).
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Emerging Markets and Private Governance: The Political Economy of Sustainable Palm Oil in China and India

CIES Research Assistant Yixian Sun and Philip Schleifer, from the University of Amsterdam, observe that sustainable palm oil is beginning to gain momentum in China, whereas uptake in India remains much weaker (in Review of International Political Economy, January 2018).
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Finance and Development


Odious Debts: Lessons of the Hunger Bond Penalty

Mitu Gulati and Ugo Panizza find that the public branding of buyers of Venezuelan bonds by Ricardo Hausmann has led to a drop in the price of the Hunger bond (International Economics Department Working Paper 02-2018).
Interview ❯


Nonlinearities in the Relationship between Finance and Growth

Ugo Panizza reviews the empirical literature on the links between finance and growth, with a special focus on the literature that has shown that the marginal contribution of financial depth to economic growth becomes negative in countries with large financial sectors (in Comparative Economic Studies, March 2018).
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“Brain Drain” within the European Union from the Perspective of Investment in Education

This ad hoc review prepared by Martina Viarengo for the European Commission (March 2017) assesses the costs of brain drain in EU Member States in terms of loss of initial investment in tertiary graduates, with a reference to the intra-EU migration of highly skilled workers.
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Human Rights and Humanitarian Law and Action


Measures for Strengthening the Effectiveness of International Legal Principles concerning Universal and International Jurisdiction

Paola Gaeta has contributed to The United Nations Principles to Combat Impunity: A Commentary (OUP, March 2018), which provides an unmatched principle-by-principle analysis of the UN Set of Principles for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights through Action to Combat Impunity.
Publisher’s page ❯


The Many Fields of (German) International Law

In recent years, interest in comparative approaches in the study of international law has grown. Nico Krisch contributes to this endeavor with a focus on the particularities of academic international law in Germany, but also with an interest in methodology and a broader argument for attention to a particular set of factors behind differences in the interpretation and application of international law (in Comparative International Law, OUP, Feb. 2018).

Publisher’s page ❯


The United Nations Principles to Combat Impunity: A Commentary

Frank Haldemann and Thomas Unger, from the Geneva Academy, have edited this first systematic analysis (OUP, 2018) of the UN Set of Principles for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights through Action to Combat Impunity.
Publisher's page ❯

Migration and Refugees


Migration and Borders of Citizenship

Shalini Randeria and Ravi Palat are the guest editors of this issue of Refugee Watch: A South Asian Journal on Forced Migration (no. 49, June 2017). 
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Lectures and Seminars

 Wednesday 2 May
 Petal 2, Room S4

States of (In)security: Regime Longevity and Arbitrary Governance in Musevini’s Uganda

International Relations and Political Science Dept. Colloquium Series with Rebecca Tapscott, The Graduate Institute.

 Thursday 3 May
 Petal 2, Room S7

Stock Market Return and Crossborder Portfolio Investment: Does the Crisis Matter?

International Economics Brown Bag Lunch with Yadong Huang.

 Lundi 7 mai
 12:15 - 14:00


Is International Law International?

Book presentation with Anthea Roberts, Australian National University. Register here ❯

 Monday 7 May
 Petal 2, Room S2

Bank Capital Flows and the Great Mortgaging

International Economics Brown Bag Lunch with Frank-Alexander Raabe.

 Monday 7 May
 18:30 - 20:00
 Auditorium Ivan Pictet

Can Liberalism Survive in a World of Fakes News?
Public lecture with Stephen Holmes (New York University) organised by the Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy. Register here ❯

 Tuesday 8 May
 Petal 2, Room S4

Vilfredo Pareto Research Seminar joint with GTDW

With Jeronimo Carballo, University of Colorado

 Tuesday 8 May
 Petal 3, Room 506


Studying Electoral Violence Using Social Media-Based Grievance Measures

International Relations and Political Science Dept. Colloquium Series with Karsten Donnay, University of Konstanz.

 Tuesday 8 May
 12:30 -13:30
 Auditorium A1B

Making Migration Great Again: Challenges and Opportunities of the UN Global Compact for Migration

Lunch Briefing with Vincent Chetail, Director of the Global Migration Centre and Head of the International Law Dpt. Register here ❯

 Tuesday 8 May
 16:15 - 18:00
Room S1


From Urine to Ampoule: The Commodity Chain of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin between India and Europe

ANSO Seminar with Sandra Bärnreuther, Dept. of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies, University of Zurich. More ❯

 Mardi 8 mai
 18:30 - 20:00
 Auditorium A2

Les marchands et le temple: la société chrétienne et le cercle vertueux de la richesse entre Moyen Age et Temps Modernes
Conférence organisée par la Chaire Yves Oltramare avec Giacomo Todeschini, ancien professeur d’histoire médiévale. Inscription ❯

 Monday 14 May
 Petal 2, Room S2


The Search for Trade Partners in Developing Countries

Dep. of International Economics Brown Bag Lunch with Julia Cajal Grossi.

 Monday 14 May
 12:30 ‐ 14:00
 Petal 2, Room S2

Global Lawmakers: The Sociology of International Organizations in the Crafting of World Markets

Terence Halliday, Adjunct Professor of Sociology, Northwestern University. Register here ❯

 Tuesday 15 May
 Petal 2, Room S1


Does Globalisation Trump It All? Medium-term Effects of Joining Globalisation Clubs

Vilfredo Pareto Research Seminar with Livio Stracca (ECB). More ❯

 Tuesday 15 May
 16:15 - 18:00
 Room S1

Making Cells Work: Rendering Stem Cell Therapies Viable and Valuable in Delhi and Mumbai

ANSO Seminar with Gabriela Hertig, PhD student in the ANSO Dep. More ❯

 Tuesday 15 May
 16:15 - 18:00
 Room S6


People without Pockets: Colonial Currency Policies and African Societies
International History Seminar with Karin Pallaver, Dep. of History and Cultures, University of Bologna. More ❯

 Wednesday 16 May

Expert Knowledge as a Strategic Resource: The Case of Bioethics Expert Committees

With Annabelle Littoz-Monnet, Associate Professor, Dep. of International Relations/Political Science. Please RSVP to Elise Erickson ❯

 Thursday 17 May
 12:15 - 13:30
 Petal 1, Room 847

Macroalgae as a Carbon Sequestration Tool

CIES Lunch seminar with Tim Flannery, Segré Foundation Distinguished Visiting Professor. As lunch is provided please register here ❯

 Monday 21 May
 Petal 2, Room S2


Schistosomasis, Water Resources Development and Agricultural Production in Burkina Faso

Dep. of International Economics Brown Bag Lunch with Daniele Rinaldo

 Tuesday 22 May
 Petal 2, Room S1

Vilfredo Pareto Research Seminar

Vilfredo Pareto Research Seminar with Brendan Epstein (University of Massachusetts).

 Tuesday 22 May
 18:15 - 19:45
 Auditorium Ivan Pictet

Two-Speed Europe: A New East-West Divide?

Panel discussion organised by the Centre on Democracy with Rossen Plevneliev, President of Bulgaria (2012–2017), Ulrike Lunacek, former Vice-President of the European Parliament and Member of the Austrian Green Party, and Till van Rahden, Montreal University, Canada Research Chair in German and European Studies. Register here ❯

 Mardi 22 mai
 18:30 - 20:00
 Auditorium Ivan Pictet

Le pentecôtisme et les transformations économiques post-socialistes au Mozambique

Conférence organisée par la Chaire Yves Oltramare avec Eric Morier-Genoud, professeur d'histoire africaine. Inscription ❯

 Thursday 24 May
 12:15 - 13:30
 Petal 1, Room 847


Paper Truths, Lands and Claims: Rethinking Restitution in Adivasi Life, India

CIES Lunch seminar with Meenakshi Nair Ambujam, PhD candidate in ANSO. As lunch is provided please register here ❯

 Thursday 24 May
 16:15 - 17:30

So Fresh and So Clean: Urban Community Engagement to Improve the Sustainability of Drainage Infrastructure

CIES ECON seminar with Carol Newman, Professor in Economics at the Department of Economics, Trinity College Dublin.

 Monday 28 May
 Petal 2, Room S2


Hello, Is It Me You’re Looking For? The Effect of Corporate Governance on Performance in Indian Banks

Dep. of International Economics Brown Bag Lunch with Aakriti Mathur.

 Monday 28 May
 12:30 ‐ 14:00
 Auditorium A1B

UN Reform and Effectiveness

With Cecilia Cannon, Thomas Biersteker, Cedric Dupont and Velibor Jakovleski.

 Wednesday 30 May
 Petal 2, Room S4

Vilfredo Pareto Research Seminar joint with GTDW

With Eduardo Morales (Princeton).

 Wednesday 30 May

Increased Vulnerability and Reduced Access to Health Services: Implications for the Sexual and Reproductive Health of Refugees in Europe

With Dr Shirin Heidari, Senior Fellow in Residence, Global Health Centre. Please RSVP to Elise Erickson ❯

 Mercredi 30 mai
 18:30 - 20:00
 Auditorium Ivan Pictet

Faut-il être payé pour tuer? Les fondements économiques de la violence jihadiste au Pakistan

Conférence organisée par la Chaire Yves Oltramare avec Amelie Blom, enseignante à Sciences Po-Paris et à l'INALCO. Inscription ❯

 Wednesday 6 June
 12:30 ‐ 14:00
 Room S3

Human Rights Treaty Obligations and State Commitment

With Wayne Sandholtz, University of California

Upcoming Deadlines
SNSF Cost Actions
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Monday 28 May
SNSF NRP 74: Health Care Policy and Management
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Friday 1 June
SNSF Sinergia
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ECSA Suisse Best Article Prize
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Sunday 3 June
Call for Papers: Blended Development Finance and the New Industrial Policy
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States of (In)security: State Fragility, Regime Longevity and Arbitrary Governance in Uganda

Rebecca Tapscott from the AHCD has been awarded a grant (CHF 71'540) by the Gerda Henkel Foundation for this two-year project.


Award granted to the Humanitarian Encyclopedia by the International Studies Association

Together with Dr Simone Lucatello and Dr Oscar Gomez, Dr Clara Egger chaired a Global South Workshop titled “Humanitarian Institutions in/and Global South: Contestation, Translation or Regionalization?”. Her proposal had received USD 5,000 from the ISA International Organization section.

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Yi Huang awarded a BIS Research Fellowship in 2018

He will be able to carry out economic research on policy-related issues of relevance to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).

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April 2018 – December 2019

Coming from St Georges, University of London, Ashton Barnett-Vanes is hosted at the GHC and works on “Capacity Building through Internship Programme Reform” with Ilona Kickbusch. Contact ❯

May – September 2018

Coming from the University of York, Joao Terrenas is hosted at the CCDP and works on “Security, Emancipation and Method: Yemen and the Performative Politics of Humanitarian Crisis” with Keith Krause. Contact ❯

21 May – 11 June 2018

Coming from Freie Universität Berlin, Thurid Bahr will be hosted at the GHC and will work on “Governance for Global Health: Data Collection” with Ilona Kickbusch. Contact ❯

21 May – 11 June 2018

Coming from Freie Universität Berlin, Laura Pantzerhielm will be hosted at the GHC and will work on “Governance for Global Health: Data Collection” with Ilona KickbuschContact ❯

June 2018 – May 2019

Coming from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Sarah Buller will be hosted at the Dep. of International History and will work with Davide Rodogno on “The Brink of Belonging: Ottoman Jews in France, 1912–1948”. Contact ❯
