Elections – What For?
BOX: For or Against Electronic Voting?
The elections in Venezuela on 28 July 2024 added fuel to an ongoing debate: for or against electronic voting? Technology is becoming increasingly important in the organisation of elections: for the compilation and purging of voter lists, the planning of polling stations, the sending of results and the counting of votes. While there is agreement on the advantages of its use for these tasks, electronic voting remains controversial: those in favour point out that it brings speed (fast counting) and efficiency (the procedure reduces the incidence of invalidated votes due to errors). Opponents warn that legal security is at stake in terms of the secrecy of the vote (voters often need help to use the machines), transparency is lost (anyone can supervise the paper count but specialised knowledge is needed to understand how the machine works) and it generates dependence on the private sector (which takes over the logistics for large sums of money).
In Latin America, some countries have electronic voting systems (Brazil, Venezuela) or have implemented pilot programmes (Mexico), while others maintain the paper ballot (Argentina, Uruguay). Regardless of the system, allegations of fraud have become part of the electoral strategy of some leaders such as Donald Trump in the United States, Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil (both with electronic voting) or Keiko Fujimori in Peru (paper ballot). In none of them has it been judicially proven. In any case, the transparency and “auditability” of the electoral system becomes central.
Source: Yanina Welp, “El voto electrónico venezolano”, El Universal, 21 August 2024.