Global Challenges
Special Issue no. 2 | March 2023
Urban Morphology & Violence
Urban Morphology & Violence | Figure for Article 8

Stagnation in the French Banlieues

Table 1: Policies to address the issues of poverty and education in the French banlieues

1977Beginning of the 'Habitat and social life' operationsAim to rehabilitate the moderate rent housing (HLM) buildings with state financial assistance.
1983Launch of the 'Banlieue 89' missionAim to rehabilitate and connect the suburbs together.
1984-1988First contracts for shared state/region plans integrating the social development of neighborhoods: 148 conventions concerning around 170 neighborhoods.The operations mainly concerned the rehabilitation of buildings and urban planning, as well as some social actions.
1990Speech from President Mitterrand, the president, announcing the creation of a city ministry (Ministère de la Ville).The Ministry ensures support for territories in their development and the reduction of territorial inequalities: in this capacity, it is responsible for the policies to fight inequalities in favor of disadvantaged neighborhoods in urban areas and rural areas.
1994First city contracts.The scale of intervention of the city's policy extended to the entire city, keeping targeted action in the most troubled neighborhoods.
1996Recovery pact for the city, under Alain Juppé's government, which divided the urban areas according to its difficulties.Creation of 36 sensitive urban zones (ZUS), 15 urban revitalization zones (ZRU), and 2 urban free zones (ZFU)
2000Law on urban solidarity and renewal, commonly known as the SRU law.The SRU law remains best known for its Article 55, which requires cities with more than 3,500 inhabitants to have at least 20% of social housing. Its goal is also to allow for a significant improvement in the living conditions of the inhabitants and mark in depth, and in a sustainable way, the transformation of the image and perception of the neighborhoods.
2003National Urban Renewal Program (PNRU) of the Borloo Law.Provides €30 billion in investment over the period 2004-2008 to restructure the ZUS and, exceptionally, neighborhoods with the same characteristics. It provides for 200,000 constructions of social rental housing, 200,000 rehabilitations and 200,000 demolitions.
2007Replacement of city contracts by the Urban Social Cohesion Contracts (CUCS).CUCS includes a project that aims to improve daily life and promote equal opportunities for residents and better integration of neighborhoods in the city and agglomeration. It is divided into multi-year action programs on priority fields and neighborhoods, specifying the commitments of each of the partners. The actions are grouped around five thematic axes:
1) habitat and living environment;
2) employment and economic development;
3) educational success;
4) health;
5) citizenship and crime prevention.
2014Integration of the Priority Neighborhoods of the City (QPV).It aims to reduce the complexity of the meshing of socially disadvantaged areas (by replacing two schemes with one and simplifying the defining criteria).
2018"Action Coeur de Ville"Structured around five main themes to revitalize cities suffering from 'urban decline':
1) réhabilitation/restructuration de l'habitat en centre-ville;
2) développement économique et commercial équilibré;
3) accessibilité, mobilité et connexions;
4) mise en valeur de l'espace public et du patrimoine;
5) accès aux équipements et aux services publics.