Global Challenges
Issue no. 12 | November 2022
The Weaponisation of Economics
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Articles for this issue
Global Challenges
Issue no. 12 | November 2022
The Weaponisation of Economics

The multipolar world succeeding US hegemony in the early 21st century, the financial crisis of 2007 and the corollary decline of liberalism seem to have ushered in an era of economic nationalism. States are increasingly left to fend for themselves as multilateral mechanisms lose traction and international economic relations gain in toxicity. The sanctions, embargoes and retaliations arising from the war in Ukraine, but also an accelerating struggle for dwindling natural resources, have pushed these logics to new heights. This Dossier assesses ongoing geoeconomic transformations and their potentially devastating consequences.

Articles for this issue

The Weaponisation of Economics
  • I

    War by Other Means? Geoeconomics in the 21st Century

    Reading time: 6 min
  • 1

    Globalisation: The Danger of Safe Spaces

    Reading time: 4 min
  • 2

    Risky Interdependence: The Impact of Geoeconomics on Trade Policy

    Reading time: 4 min
  • 3

    A New Page in Global Sanctions Practice: The Russian Case

    Reading time: 6 min
  • 4

    The Politicisation of the Commodities Trade

    Reading time: 4 min
  • 5
    The United Nations logo on the 2nd Floor looking to the general assembly entrance

    Sanctions against Russia and the Role of the United Nations

    Reading time: 4 min
  • 6
    Global natural resources commodity trade with exchange of futures contracts on commodities

    A Renewed Neocolonial Scramble for Resources?

    Reading time: 5 min
  • 7

    The Rise of Geoeconomics

    Reading time: 5 min
  • 8

    Debt as a Political Weapon?

    Reading time: 5 min
  • O

    Global Sanctions: A Bibliography from the Graduate Institute

    Reading time: 5 min
Other Issues
Issue no. 2 | September 2017
Democracy at Risk
Global Challenges
Issue no. 2 | September 2017
Democracy at Risk

While the 20th century has been characterised by the generalisation of democratisation processes, the 21st century seems to have started with the reverse trend. An authoritarian-populist nexus is threatening liberal democracy on a global scale, including in its American and European heartlands. Charismatic leaders – thriving on electoral majorities and popular referenda – methodically undermine the rule of law and constitutional safeguards in order to consolidate their own power basis. Coupling inflammatory rhetoric with modern communication technologies, they short-circuit traditional elites and refuse to abide by international norms. Agitating contemporary scourges such as insecurity, loss of identity, mass migration and corrupt elites, they put in place new laws and mechanisms to harness civil society and political opponents. In order to better understand the novelty, permanence and global reach of “illiberal democracy”, this second issue of Global Challenges proposes seven case studies (Russia, Hungary, Turkey, the Middle East, Uganda, Venezuela and the United States) complemented by a series of expert interviews, maps and infographics.

Issue no. 3 | March 2018
Globalization 4.0:
Evolution or Revolution?
Global Challenges
Issue no. 3 | March 2018
Globalization 4.0: Evolution or Revolution?

Has globalisation reached its apex after centuries of growth as suggested by the latest figures of the WTO? In the affirmative, does this imply that we are ushering into a new era of degrowth? Or are we witnessing the reorganisation of the very architecture of globalisation, which remains based on the twin logic of the acceleration and continuous increase of the volume of exchanges, as well as the steady densification of geographic connectedness. Are global exchanges restructuring concomitantly to the fourth technological revolution and the expansion of the digital economy? The present Dossier proposes to approach this question by observing the nature and the evolution of the principal flows that characterize globalisation.